Todd Evans

Software Developer


I'm a passionate software developer who enjoys problem-solving and learning new skills. I transitioned to coding when I realised how much I enjoyed the programming aspect of my psychology research. With my background in psychology and people-focused job experiences, I’m a natural team player who cares about my peers and performs well in collaborative teams.

Lately I've been self-learning React, GraphQL, TailwindCSS, and Gatsby. I also have experience with JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, HTML5/CSS3, Postgresql, and a range of other technologies.

CSS3GraphQLFigmaRubyHTMLSASSReactRuby on RailsBootstrapHerokuGitHubGitGatsbyTailwind CSSPostgresqlJavascript


Screen grab from ChurnIt


A web app for finding your next credit card. Featuring tailored card suggestions and an intuitive, full-page UI.

Ruby on RailsJavaScriptHTML/CSSBootstrap
Screen grab from React Memory Game

React Memory Game

A card-flipping memory game built in React. Flip each pair of cards to win. Featuring smooth animations and cute animal pics.

Screen grab from LearnIt


A web app for finding and hosting online courses. Featuring user authentication and image uploads.

Ruby on RailsJavaScriptHTML/CSS


Please drop me an email if you have an enquiry and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.